Today I'm releasing "Beta 2" of Share My Stack. I've rewritten a whole bunch of the app and optimized the data storage and retrieval. Browsing stacks, categories, tools, and updating your stack should feel noticeable faster now (should feel "instant," really).
The database schema of the app has changed significantly. To keep things simple in the code, I have decided not to write migrations but to reset the database, meaning that if you are a current beta user (there are only a handful of you right now), you'll have to re-create your stack. But this way, you can already experience the new, snappier way to update your stack 😉
One thing I have disabled for now is dark mode. I've invested a significant amount of time into tracking down the error of the theme flickering when closing and reopening the app, but so far have not been able to fix it. For now, it is more important to me to ship a stable first release with the basic functionality, and I'll ship dark mode in one of the future updates.
I still have many improvements and additional features in mind, but with this release, I hope the basics are done well and ready to be battle-tested. You can continue to follow the progress here in this changelog or on Twitter (@sharemystack). Of course, I continue to welcome feature requests and content suggestions via this website.